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Friday, January 6, 2012

McClendon Studios Presents: Bowling Man


McClendon Studios Presents

Bowling Man

My father used to tell stories of when he was working for National Cash Register.  This is one of those stories.
He called on a man who owned a large company of stores who was a prospect for buying cash registers from my father.

It turns out that the man had not been bowling in a while and really wanted to go bowling soon. My father agreed to take him bowling while they talked over the possible purchase of cash registers.

 Bowling Man
While they were bowling, the man partook of many beers which my father paid for.  The man became a little drunk and signed the largest order my father had ever had in his life.  All my father had to do was mail that order and the man was obligated to purchase the cash registers. After all, he had a signed contract. This was the 1960’s and the fact that it was signed while intoxicated was not a matter the court would take up anyway.

Well, my father thought about it all that night.  The next morning, bright and early, he went to see the man at his office.

My father handed the man the contract and told him that he was legally obligated to purchase the cash registers but that he, my father, thought that it would be much better if they tore up that contract and started over.

Well, the man was very happy and tore up the contract. He and my father then sat down and negotiated a much smaller order.

My father lost on that sale, but for the rest of the time my father was with
National Cash Register, he would get a purchase order in the mail for every single cash register ever purchased by that company and every paper product, ribbon, and other accessory related to any product that National Cash Register offered that the store needed.

Years later, that act of honesty paid off for my father in a way he did not expect.

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