Judge Harlan Walker had been the city judge longer than anyone could remember. He and Doc Jones had a standing date every Thursday afternoon to play dominos.
Everyone in the town knew Judge Walker and all considered him to be the most fair and honest man alive. He had tried to retire several times, but he was simply the only one qualified for the job.

Judge Walker was past ninety years old and still had a very keen mind and a grasp of the law that no one else seemed capable of. He could remember cases he had read back in law school and apply them appropriately.
As fair as he was, the man accused of probably killing his best friend and attempting to kidnap a sweet little girl with the biggest brown eyes now stood before him.
Robert complained that he was hurt very badly when Lucky “attacked” him. No one cared. Judge Walker said, “You have probably killed the only man within a hundred miles who could or would be able to help you. After your hearing, we will see if we can find anyone willing to tend to your medical needs.
Lucky spoke out and begged Judge Walker to release Robert on bond. The Judge knew that, if that happened, the chances that Robert would live to show up for his trial were slim. Judge Walker quickly ruled that he would have to deny bond for Robert since he was a flight risk and was accused of attempted murder and attempted kidnapping. He ruled that if Doc were to die, if in fact he had not already died, then the charges would be changed to murder.
When Lucky heard that Robert was going to be held without bail, he reached over to Bucky and slapped him. He then walked to the front of the courtroom and said, “Your honor, I wish to plead not guilty to assaulting an officer.” Judge Walker set the bail at $50. Lucky said “Your honor, I refuse to pay it.” Judge Walker ordered that Lucky be held in lieu of bail.
Iron Mike was the next to assault an officer. He slapped Jimmy very lightly and went forward and pled not guilty. He, too, was held in lieu of bail. The forty bikers, and all the patrons of Iron Mike’s Pub, committed mutual assault and pled guilty. Each one was held in lieu of bail.
In Pigeon Hole Texas, the local jail has two holding cells. Robert was placed in cell number one and several of the other prisoners were placed in the cell with him. There were simply too many prisoners to be held by both cells, so Austin, the jailer, decided that he should just leave both cell doors open.
That was the only way he could see that each prisoner would have a chance to use the restroom or get a drink of water. There was a large common area outside of the cells that was separated from the rest of the building by a locking door with bars. He felt that most of his prisoners could be trusted to not escape.
The next morning Robert was released from jail without bond. He was no longer a flight risk. John “Digger” McCloud came by to pick him up and take him to his place of business, McCloud’s Funeral Home. There was not enough evidence to determine who, if anyone, assisted him in the termination of oxygen exchange that evening. No one saw anything. No one noticed that he was lying on the one and only cot in cell one.
Bucky asked Judge Walker to drop the charges against Lucky. When he did so, Judge Walker dropped the charges against all the other prisoners. No one wanted to press charges against anyone.
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