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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Do we really not have anything more important to do with our time?

My wife, Suzanne forwarded me an e-mail with the following article:.
School goes ballistic when boy eats pizza into gun

Zero Tolerance is just a liberal way of saying take total control of everything. Here, we have a boy who is eating a pizza and another student says that it looks like a gun. From that point, things get out of hand. Is anyone really this stupid?

When I was a child, we played shooting games like cowboys and Indians, army, etc. To my knowledge, not one of us was ever involved in any type of violent event. It is ridiculous to think that this child was in any way, shape, or form a threat to anyone at the school. Lighten up, people. Call the kid aside and tell him that playing like you have a gun is not accepted at school and leave it at that. Do we not have anything more important  to do at school?

It's not surprising it has come to this. We cut spending for education and we reduce the number of teachers at the schools. These same teachers are forced to go on unemployment and possibly food stamps and other relief type programs, so where is the savings?

What is next? Do we stop serving pizza at school because it can be used as a pretend weapon?

Let's put a little common sense back into society. Let's call zero tolerance what it is, STUPID.  I miss the days of Mayberry when life was simple. I bet Helen Crump never made Opie and Johnnie-Paul eat at the silent table for eating pizza with malicious intent..

Read more:School goes ballistic when boy eats pizza into this shape

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