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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why So Many Book Reviews

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If you read this blog on a regular basis you will soon find that a large part of it is made up of book reviews. In my reviews, I usually provide links to purchase the books through Amazon. Yes, we do get a referral fee from Amazon, but that isn’t the reason for the reviews. I suggest whole-heartedly that you first look for these books at your local library. If your library doesn’t have them, they may be able to obtain them through an Inter-Library Loan (I.L.L.). You may also be able to check them out in a digital format on line through your local library or through Amazon Prime’s Lending Library.

The reason I have so many book reviews is that I want to encourage you to go straight to the source when learning these concepts. When I was a manager trainee at Great Western Consumer Finance, I was on the Fast-Track Training Program. A large part of that training program was reading books. I don’t remember all the books in the program, but I do remember that In Search of Excellence and One Minute Manager were part of that program.

You will find that you won’t agree with everything any author says about business or management. You may find yourself saying that the author doesn’t know your business at all. You are right; no author can know every aspect of every business. But, you can get some insight from these authors and take what they have written and apply it to the parts of your business that they relate to.

You should also read Inc. Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine. Most libraries keep copies of these publications and you will find a great many articles that you can relate to your business.

The opinions or advice listed in this blog or website should be used as a place to start only. It is not a substitute for the use of a professional.
Please be sure to consult your attorney and/or accountant with any specific questions.
There is no one right answer to any business question that will cover all circumstances.
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