Suzanne found a way, using coupons and store sales, to feed us for $7 a week. No small feat considering that one of the three of us was a one year old still in diapers.
Soon stores started offering private labels which meant that it was cheaper to buy the store brand than the name brand with a coupon, so we went from coupons to CostCutter chicken baloney. We survived.
Due to recent financial setbacks like me being in the hospital off and on for the better part of a year and a half now, along with car breakdowns and trying to keep three children in college, we have begun to research extreme couponing. Today Suzanne managed to get Dollar General to pay her 27¢ to take a pack of razors out of the store. You do not find deals like that every day but sometimes you do. Recently we picked up milk, two loaves of bread, a dozen eggs, and a few other items for only 54¢. That to me is awesome.
We are working on getting our couponing and budgeting fine-tuned and will write a new book on budgeting and paying off debt.
Please visit us at McClendon Enterprises
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