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Friday, June 23, 2017

Guest Post: Dog days of summer, hydration tips to stay afloat

The following is a guest post.  This post does not necessarily reflect the views of Suzanne and David E. McClendon, Sr. or Manian Debil Productions.

Dog days of summer, hydration tips to stay afloat

GREENWOOD, Ind. (June 23, 2017) -- Summer is officially here, and the heat is on. It’s no coincidence that the first day of summer, June 21, and National Hydration Day, June 23, are only a few days apart.

Indiana American Water, the state’s largest investor-owned water utility, encourages everyone working, playing or enjoying time outdoors this summer to have a plan in place to stay properly hydrated.  

It’s also important to make sure any cats or dogs that are outdoors are properly hydrated as well since, similar to humans, they can also suffer from heat-related incidents. In fact, they are often more prone to heat exhaustion because they do not perspire like their owners.

“As the heat begins to rise, whether Indiana residents and their pets are working or playing outdoors, proper hydration is key to staying safe and enjoying time outdoors,” said Indiana American Water President Deborah Dewey. “We always make sure our employees and residents are educated on the importance and value of water while encouraging them to pay close attention to their body’s need for water.”

Smart eating can also play a large role in proper hydration during the summer heat. Fruit and vegetables should be included as part of a daily diet as they contain various amounts of water and work as a supplement to normal water intake. Indiana sports enthusiasts who take part in extraneous physical workouts outdoors should follow up their workout with water and a sports drink to help revitalize the body’s loss of water.

Indiana American Water wants everyone outdoors this summer to know and recognize different signs that could indicate dehydration in themselves and others. The Cleveland Clinic has identified some of these signs, including:

  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • flushed skin
  • heat intolerance
  • light-headedness
  • dark-colored urine
  • dry cough

Dewey added, “In addition to watching for signs of dehydration, proactive ways to stay hydrated include setting reminders to dress light, eating fruits and vegetables as snacks, avoiding caffeinated drinks, and lastly ensuring everyone is consuming water throughout the day.”

When residents are out and about in the heat this summer, Indiana American Water encourages everyone to consider bringing cool water along for themselves and their pets.

About Indiana American Water
Indiana American Water, a subsidiary of American Water (NYSE: AWK), is the largest investor-owned water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water and/or wastewater services to more than 1.3 million people. Founded in 1886, American Water is the largest publicly traded U.S. water and wastewater utility company. Marking its 130th anniversary this year, the company employs more than 6,700 dedicated professionals who provide regulated and market-based drinking water, wastewater and other related services to an estimated 15 million people in 47 states and Ontario, Canada. More information can be found at www.amwater.com.

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