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Friday, August 18, 2017

Friendly Fill Ins 18 August 2017

Happy Birthday Suzanne!

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowingand McGuffy's Reader. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!

Here are the fill-ins:

1. If someone were visiting my area, I would recommend a visit to This depends.

It depends on what the person wanted to see and what time of year it was.  In the spring, I would take them to see crop dusting by our friends in their flying bananas.  Their planes are very bright yellow so people can see them.

I would take them to see my friend Anwar because he is one of the smartest business men I know.  I would also take them to Taste Wood’s Barbeque.  That is the best barbeque this side of the Mississippi.  Anyone who is in Anderson, South Carolina, simply must go to Little Pigs Barbecue.  They are the best.

Other than that, the Houston Zoo (60+ miles away) , the Alamo and Riverwalk (150 miles away).

2. My favorite room in my home is Our bedroom.

Our bedroom serves as our office and den.  Since we are empty nesters, we spend most of our time in here.  We have almost everything we need in this room.

3. Back-to-school time makes me think of band camp.

Way back when, the first full week of August was the start of band camp.  We would show up, get our uniforms and music, and start to rehearse halftime shows.  The kind of work we put in is why I get so mad with sports shows these days.  During the halftime, we get to hear sports casters talk about other games instead of getting to watch the shows.  I think it would be great if FoxSports or ESPN had a band channel.  I also hate the Macy’s Parade because they talk over the bands and let us hear D list celebrities try to sing.

4. My favorite year of school was 1979-80 my senior year, because several things.

That is the year I met Suzanne and really messed things up with her.  But, we got past that a few years later.  It was also the year I was in drama club, band, English, and Chemistry.  Did you notice a very light year there?

I only needed one credit to graduate, which I could have taken the summer before my junior year and graduated early, but I wanted to enjoy my senior year.

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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  1. Thank you, baby. Everything else may be falling apart in our world, but so long as I have you, it will always be a happy birthday. Thank you for being with me for the last 36 birthdays. :)

    I love you, my Zing.

  2. For me it's easy to show people around in summer or winter, I live in a touristic place and everybody wants to see the Waterloo Lion and the museum and the battle field no matter if it's summer or winter, lol !

    1. Around here it is just too darn hot to take anyone anywhere right now. Have a great week.

  3. It sounds like you had a nice senior year. Good planning, with nice surprises, too.
    You seem to be centrally located for some good day tripsn there. I hope you get to have some autumn adventures, as the weather cools off.
    Have a great week.

    1. We live on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Autumn ain't happenin'. It was over 100 here back in February. But, one could hope. Have a great week.

  4. Thank you for participating, nice answers. I agree about parades and sports. The bands work very hard and then get talked over which is not right. Sounds like you enjoyed your senior year. Have a great weekend! PS: I would love to see a photo of a banana plane :)

    1. Suzanne will try to find one she took a while back. It is not dusting season right now. I would love to see one of the networks have a band month where all month long they feature different bands in short time slots like commercials so we can see them.


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Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Have a blessed day!