Here are the fill-ins:
1. Eating and sleeping are a waste of time.
Cat Butt Magnets |
2. My favorite app is I don’t have a smartphone.
3. My first car was 1972 Plymouth Duster.
4. The best car I ever owned was Bird 2, because it was like we were one.
I haven’t really driven since 1996 due to eye problems. Suzanne does the driving now. She loves her little Zoomie. He is the best car she has ever owned. It fits her like Bird 2 fit me.
On Thanksgiving 1979, My friend Roger and I went to see the movie Animal House at the Osteen Theater. At that time I had a Monte Carlo. I think it was a 1974 or 75. Anyway, since I was with the rescue squad, it was not unusual for me to be out riding with my friends and happen upon an accident and then have to jump in the back of an ambulance. All my friends had keys to the car. It had a front license plate that said, “Bird” (my nickname).
Roger left the theater a few minutes early and I stayed to watch the credits to see if there were any bloopers. When I went outside, Roger was sitting on a pole drinking something out of a Tupperware container. He said, “Hey man, where’s your car?” I thought he was joking. He convinced me he was not when the local police cruised the parking lot and he flagged them down. Friends drove us home.
Well, when I got home my father told me he was not going to buy me another car. My mom would have to drive me everywhere I went.
We took delivery of a 1979 Mercury Capri on December 1, 1979.
I put a license plate on the front of the car that said, “Bird-2”. No one ever called the Monte Carlo Bird or Bird-1 but everyone called The Capri Bird-2.
Well, the car fit. I felt like I was in total control of everything when I was driving it. One night coming from Anderson, South Carolina into Iva, South Carolina, it was very foggy. I was driving below the fog, but the Highway Man was driving up in the fog. He could not see, but I could. When I got into town I saw my friend, who happened to be the Iva Policeman on call that night, sitting in his car in the town parking lot. I pulled over and talked to him, then went to the Fast Fare and bought me a Sugar Free Doctor Pepper. When I left the store, I was followed by the Highway Man. Back then, South Carolina law said that the Highway Patrol could only light you up if you were moving and could only ticket you if they stopped you on a state highway. I stopped at a stop sign on a city street and the highway man pulled up on me.
He could not light me up if I was not moving. I sat still for about 15 minutes. Finally, I thought, let’s get this over with. I pulled off and he lit me up. He had to call the Iva Police since I was on a city street. Well, the dispatcher sent my friend. He told the highway man he was a witness that I was not speeding on the city street and he refused to ticket me.
The highway man had pulled me over about 100 feet from my house. When I got home, I found out that my parents were asleep so they did not see me get pulled over. Whew, home free.
A few days later, our neighbor boy was by the house and he said, “Hey, David, what did they pull you over for the other night? It must have been something really bad since it took two cops.”
I don’t think I ever thanked him.
Our youngest daughter has been evacuated off the island ahead of the storm and is headed for the state capitol. Please keep her and her roommate in your prayers.
Please be advised that all the information in this course is provided to educate, enlighten, and broaden your views in life. The information provided is not a substitute for medical, legal, dietary, financial/accounting, or religious professionals. Always consult a professional before you act on any of the information you find in this course.
Please be sure to consult your attorney, accountant, and/or other professionals with any specific questions. There is no one right answer to any business question that will cover all circumstances.
I enjoyed your car stories. I am afraid I don't have any good ones. The only one related to the police I can think of was when my dad's former military buddy had dropped by our house in his Border Patrol car. He handcuffed my 7 year old brother and put him in the back of the patrol car. The neighborhood kids had all come out to see what was going on. The boys who lived next door who were always giving my brother grief truly believed my brother was being arrested. We got a good laugh out of that.
ReplyDeleteEating and sleeping certainly do take up a lot of our time.
Your daughter and her roommate are in my thoughts and prayers as will be the others impacted by the storm.
I hope you and Suzanne have a great weekend, David.
Thank you. We have learned that the new models show that Harvey will be here, at our house, soon. Your border patrol story sounds funny. Have a great week.
DeleteI agree. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done that we need to do. Forget doing what we want to do after spending all day doing the need to dos.
ReplyDeleteI love you, my Zing. :)
I love you, too, my zing. The have to dos certainly get in the way of the want tos.
DeleteCar stories are always so personal. I think we all tend to get attached to one or two cars. Bill has my old Mouse House, since he got me the Focus. His usual wheels are 18 of them.
ReplyDeletePrayers for you all through the current storm.
Thank you for the prayers. So far, we are safe. We are expecting the river to rise above flood stage later today. God has been good to us.
DeleteThank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I will come back this weekend to watch the videos. I will be praying for the safety of your family.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ellen. So far, so good for us. It is a good thing Maggie evacuated out of Corpus Christi. It is pretty bad. One little town near her is wiped out.
DeleteYes days fly by so quickly ! My very first car was a little Fiat 600 I think it didn't even exist in the States !
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by and commenting. I have heard of Fiats but not sure about that model. Have a great week.