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Friday, March 30, 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins 30 March 2018

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowingand McGuffy's Reader. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!


Here are the fill-ins:

1. For Easter ( or Passover), I try to avoid eating Whoppers.

I discovered Whoppers years ago at the movie theatre.  I think they might be addictive.

2. My favorite Easter ( or Passover) treat is Whoppers.

I used to love the chocolate rabbits.  Then, they got to where they did not taste quite right.  I once loved Peeps. Now, they just taste like stale marshmallows.  I love jelly beans. I also love those chocolate Easter eggs that we call(ed) little footballs.  I love Whoppers. The other night I had some in a box on the nightstand. Suzanne stood watching me try, and fail, to resist eating more.  The box did not make it long.

3. Lately, the song I’m Still Standing is stuck in my head.

We have recently watched the movie Sing.  That song stands out to me.  I also love it that the porcupine named Ashe starts out her set wearing the sunglasses left behind by the girl who Ashe’s boyfriend Lance was cheating on her with.  To me it says, “ You can’t get me down.”
4. The A-Z Blogging Challenge is not something I participate in.

I have seen some pretty creative posts on the A-Z Blogging Challenge in the past.  I am just not really sure I can find a category that I could get an entire alphabet’s worth of posts out of.

I have thought about it over the years.  I get stuck on the hard letters like X. Good luck to all those who choose to participate.

Have a great week, ya’ll.  Don’t eat too many Whoppers, leave some for me.  Hoppy Easter.

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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