Friendly Fill-Ins
all. I hope you have had a great
Independence Weekend. I have an apology
to make to our hosts. It seems that ever
since I started filling in these blanks, I had been reading the name of this
meme as Friday Fill-Ins when it is really Friendly Fill- Ins. In the current vernacular (which drives me
crazy by-the-way), my bad.
folks, it just seems that I was not reading the titles as closely as I should.
here we go.
Here are this week's statements with
the blanks:
Friendly Fill-Ins,
Week 9, July 8, 2016:
Financial Management was easier than I expected.
I am very
bad in math. When you add the alphabet
to that, my brain shuts down. But, when
you put a dollar sign in front of it, it makes sense to me.
Bucket list:
1. Heal this ulcer in my foot
2. Finish writing this course in
How to Manage Your Monkey
3.Get all the Gindy
Stories recorded and uploaded to YouTube.
I have had a diabetic foot ulcer since at least 2004. Every time I just about get it healed, something
happens or I do something stupid and we are back where we started.
I am working on a course that tries to help people who are working
to get their lives in order. It
incorporates Spiritual/Prayer Life with Organization and Financial Life with the
goal of making one’s life with their family and other loved ones better.
I grew up in a story-telling family.
My father was always telling stories, some true, some not. It seems that I am the only one of my
siblings who even cares about this. My kids
have asked me to record these stories.
Since my strokes, I have been hard at work trying to get these all
written and recorded. I have a good deal
of them on YouTube already.
2. I cannot believe that there is no one to vote
for this time.
4. If I could go back in
time with the technology we have now , I would record all the stories my
parents and grandparents told and preserve them for all time.
Well, that is it for this week. My child-bride Suzanne and I look forward to
hearing from all of you humans and our little furry friends. All of our cats at this time are those who choose
to hang around outside the house here.
We have our two grand-doggers, Battly and Petra, we are taking care of
while our oldest daughter r is in college.
May you all have a great week.
Other Post You May Enjoy:
http://mcguffysreader. blogspot.com/2016/07/friendly- fill-in-week-9.html
http://www.15andmeowing.com/ 2016/07/friendly-fill-ins- week-9/
https://fourleggedfurballs. blogspot.com/2016/07/fill-ins- and-feeding-time.html
http://socratesbookreviews. blogspot.com/2016/07/friendly- fill-ins-july-8th.html
http://messymimismeanderings. blogspot.com/2016/07/feline- friday-give-kitties-room-and. html
http://www.followingcats.com/ 2016/07/friendly-fill-ins- blog-hop-with-connor.html
https://silversolara.blogspot. com/2016/07/friday-fill-ins- 7816.html
Thank you for participating and for the apology- I didn't even notice you had put Friday instead of friendly :) I am always excited to read people's answers so I get right to that. Excellent answers, I would take your course, it is a great idea. And I hope your foot heals soon. Also, I agree there is no one to vote for. Have a nice weekend.
ReplyDeleteYep, I read the thing too fast and I saw the logo but still read it wrong. I am working on reading everything I can about saving money. We live on a shoe string but still find ways to save.
DeleteGreat fill ins! As per #3, I can't recall an election when I was able to vote FOR someone instead of choose the 'lesser evil'... Think I might write in Bernie.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting. We have personally known some nice local people, but the last time I was actually happy to vote was when Reagan ran in 1984.
DeleteThe time before last, one of my friends told me he did something he never thought he would do. He cast a vote for Hillary in the primary. He wasn't voting for Hillary; he was voting against the other guy.
Great answers. I hope your foot ulcer heels up for you. I loved it when my grandpa told us stories when he was alive. I sure do miss them and wish now they were recorded. But I do remember most of the great stories he has told.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a wonderful day snd weekend.
Thanks for stopping by. My grandfather on my dad's side died long before I was born so, I never met him. My Grandmother on my father's side told stories. My dad told stories. My mom told a few. We lived too far away from her parents to really know what her daddy would tell. My father and I worked side by side for 13 years, so I heard his stories many times. Have a great weekend too.
DeleteDavid, you always have great answers. I really appreciate you joining in with us. I also hope your foot heals up, once and for all. That is serious business. As for the error, we are all human, and therefore make mistakes. No problem, though. We forgive you. *wink* In that spirit, please check your Bucket List, #2. There might be a typo. Have a great weekend. Thank you for being part of Friendly Fill-Ins. We appreciate you being here.Hugs.
ReplyDeleteAnnie at ~McGuffy's Reader~
Thanks for stopping in and commenting. In number two, the name of the course is How To Manage Your Monkey. It is a play on the words how to manage your money. The point of the course is that in life you have a lot of different things going on, each vying for your attention. You have your personal/family life, your spiritual life, your financial life, your career life, and other things. We all have a certain amount of monkeys on our back. Each monkey needs to be handled.
DeleteIf I missed any other issues, they are still eluding me. This is possible. I would greatly appreciate your pointing them out and any suggestions you may have.
Have a great weekend.
Ha! That is great, David! I love puns and word play. Thanks for sharing.