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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August Happiness Challenge 17 August 2016

Well, everyone, it is day 17 of the August Happiness Challenge.  I know it sounds odd but, Skype makes me happy.  Nothing will ever be as good as actually having your loved ones right there in the room with you. However, a video chat via Skype is the next best thing.

Skype is a free service and kind of easy to use.  It does have some confusing things about it. Like almost all social media today, about the time you get it figured out, some yahoo on the other side of things wants to tinker with it to make it “better”.  Better usually means a bigger pain in the … neck.

Anyway, when our Marine gets time and bandwidth at the same time, he can Skype call
us.  Our daughters sometimes Skype with us, too.  It is great being able to have all of us Skyping one another at the same time.

It would make me happier to have all of my children right here with me.  That way I could know that everyone is safe.  But, the next best thing is being able to see and talk to them via Skype.

We won’t get to see our Marine until next year (maybe then).  Please continue to pray for his safety and that of his big brother, Jared, too.

So, what makes  you happy?  
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