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Friday, August 26, 2016

Friendly Fill-Ins - 26 August 2016 Yeah, It's In There

Friendly Fill-Ins - 26 August 2016

To learn more about this great meme, please visit Annie or Ellen.


Week 16: August 26, 2016

Here are the fill-in-the-blanks:

1. I wish
Prego  would bring back Garden Style Spaghetti SauceIt seems like it had sausage in it.  It had bell pepper and garlic and was very good.

2. An act of kindness that I do often is
I can’t think of a thing.  I am a very self-centered person.

3.  I still have a few pictures  from my childhood.

​4.​ If I didn’t have my beautiful child-bride Suzanne, I’d be completely lost.

I would also be completely dead.  She has nursed me through countless low blood sugars when I was so low I could not think for myself.   She has fought doctors' offices when they tried to send me back home without tending to me.  She has followed countless ambulances to the hospital and then told them who I was and what was wrong.  She cooks great food, when we have it. And she is a great person to be around.

Well, peeps, that is about it this week.  Our baby
David and Suzanne In Front of Maggie's Dorm
girl is back on the island.  Our oldest daughter is here with us. Our sons are both “under way".  We continue to work on our course “How to Manage Your Monkey".  If you have any frugal recipes, please send them to us.  In asking this, I am reminded of when we approached Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, with a request for a recipe for our Lion’s House Children’s Home Cookbook.  His recipe was to open a large bag of chips and pour them into a bowl and eat them.  Step two was optional.

Catch you on the flip.
Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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  1. Isn't it cool how I got taller just for that picture? :)

    1. You are always cool, human, monster, unicorn, whatever. You are my Zing!

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I don't think you are a self-centered person, you are working on a course to help people, that doesn't sound self- centered to me. Great photo of you and Suzanne ( she is amazing). Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for commenting. We look forward to the Fill-Ins every week. They are fun, and sometimes a little challenging to come up with answers.

      Suzanne is amazing. She can appear meek, but she has taken down a power company single-handed once. I will have to post about that sometime soon.

  3. Great answers!
    We're still trying to adapt to the 'back to school' schedule + have a house full of company for the weekend.
    As per recipes, we pop corn & make big pots of soup.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. We don't have anything we need to do for back to school now. We just had to take our baby back to the island. This, of course, is a very hard thing to do. I call her each morning and she calls later in the day almost each day.

      I think she knows if we don't hear from her there will be a SWAT team in her dorm room like we sent for her sister when we had not heard from her in almost a day. The sister has a heart condition. Since she is always on Facebook and had not posted in 19 hours and was not answering her phone, we figured something was amiss. When she woke up to a campus PD officer pounding on her door, she called.

  4. I have pictures from my childhood. I look so sweet and lovable...pictures can be deceiving...I was a brat.

    1. I understand. If one were to look at pictures of my sister back then they would think, "She's so cute". Meanwhile, she would be planning how to get us into trouble. I, of course, was perfect.

  5. We have a garden variety pasta sauce here in Canada that sounds list the one you described... and it is delicious!! It's by a brand called Classico. My kids LOVE LOVE looking at the pictures I have collected over the years. I hope that they appreciate it when they are older too.

    1. We keep finding old pictures of people we can't identify. Those who would know are long gone. It would be good if those before us would have written the information where we could find it.

  6. I remember that sauce. We make our own, now. In fact we just made a big pot for canning. If you were here, I would give you a jar! I love your #4. Love does that. I know Bill has been there for me through many health issues. He still is, too.
    Thanks for being a part of Friendly Fill-Ins. With Summer closing soon, I will be getting back to my usual routine and will be able to visit more. My Mayo Clinic visit is coming up soon, too, so I hope to get some resolution on some health issues there.Thanks for your patience and understanding. I appreciate it. Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

    1. Yep, it was out soon after Suzanne and I were married. It was great. Good luck at the Mayo Clinic. We hope they get everything taken care of for you.


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