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Thursday, September 15, 2016

September 19 Somethin’ Challenge Day 15

We are crossing the halfway point of the challenge today.  This is day 15 and it has been interesting so far.  Are you playing along?  Amble on over to Suzanne’s place and grab you a cold soda water and jaw a while.  Then get all the details about this meme and come on back over here. 

T`111oday’s question is:

Did you get into MTV? If not, what was your favorite music-based TV program?

I never really got into MTV.  It really was not that great, in my opinion.  The first music video I ever saw that was any good was Michael Jackson’s  Thriller.

Back in the 1980s, there was a song that was written when the song writer was in an appliance store and overheard a conversation between two employees who were watching MTV.  I think it was called Money for Nothing.  I remember this song running through my head all during the Television Marathon.

My favorite music-based program would have to be WKRP in Cincinnati. 

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  1. Money For Nothing runs through my head all the time - but the visual is of seeing it as a laser light show, at the Griffith Park Observatory, back when that stuff was new and it was soooo cooooool that they could make the lasers do the shapes of the block characters from the actual video.

    1. That sounds cool. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.


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