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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A Great Little Book

Bedtime Tail is a cute little story about a child who is sure there is a monster in the house (think Cookie Monster).  It is a quick little read that is just great for those little ones who have to have a story read, right then. 

Our youngest child is twenty-one.  However, I remember the days when she would love to have me read her a story.  She would climb in my lap or sit beside me as I read.  I am sure she would have loved this little story. 

The drawings are adorable.  This is a fun book to read and will bring you another opportunity to bond with your child or grandchild.  This would make a great gift for your wee one.

Disclosure:  The author is a friend.  She gave my wife Suzanne a copy of this book with no request for a review.  We provided the review without any obligation to make any sort of review.  It is our blog policy to give our honest review or no review at all whenever given a book or product.

This gift in no way influenced the review.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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  1. That does look like a cute book.

    1. Thank you for dropping in and commenting. It is a cute book. It is a fast read that will get the rug rats in bed shortly. Have a great week.

  2. Thank you for this review! I am glad that you like it, and hope you will share it with future wee ones!

    1. Thank you. We will if we ever get any grand young'uns. For now, we have a grand-dogger.


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