1. What's something you might say runs in your family?
Story telling runs in my family. On my father’s side, we had a lot of very good story tellers. The problem is they are all dead now. My grandmother loved to tell stories of days gone by. My father and Uncle Carl also loved to tell stories. People would come to our store just to hear their stories. Many of these stories were just plain made up. Some were true. All were interesting. I started the YouTube channel to make business education videos. They are very popular.
In fact, our Differentiation Vitality Curve (that is a mouthful) is our most popular video. As I understand it, that video is the most popular video covering that subject on the internet. In looking at the statistics a while back, that video outpaced even the General Electric posts about the subject and their former CEO popularized it. This video uses storytelling to teach the point.
Our youngest daughter asked me to record the stories that were handed down to me. As I remember them, I write them down and record them when I have the energy to do so.
2. I read here a list of ten things you should do before 2017 arrives (in less than six weeks!)...which tasks on the list might you do? What would you add to your own 'before the year ends' list?
visit your Dr. or dentist, deep clean your home, donate unwanted items to charity, look someone in the eye and tell them you love them, write an honest letter to yourself, clean up your inbox-desktop-photos, travel to a place you haven't been, compliment a stranger, watch the sunrise, think ahead to your goals/plans for the new year
Well, I will definitely visit my doctor. I have to do that every week. Suzanne is going through our stuff looking for things to donate. Any time we see a veteran, we thank him for his service and, if he fought in a war, we complement his bravery. I keep my inbox clean.
3. What's something other generations (not your own) misunderstand about your generation?
Personal relationships. We hear so many people talking about their Baby Mama or Baby Daddy that it boggles the mind. The only relationship these people ever had was the fact that they made a baby together. When we were younger, the term fiancé meant that we were dating and planned to get married. Today, it means we are sleeping together and will never get married.
They also don’t understand how we got along without a cell phone or other type of screen in our faces 24/7/365. When Suzanne and I worked at a convenience store that had a television, we never turned it on. People would come in and ask why we did not have it on. I wonder, how much television can one watch in the span of time it takes to complete a trip inside a convenience store?
4. Sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, cornbread dressing-which would you miss the most if it weren't on the holiday dinner menu?
The only thing on that list that we have is dressing. We do have mashed potatoes and gravy all the time, just not on Thanksgiving. I am allergic to sweet potatoes so, that ain’t happenin’. Suzanne makes great dressing. We have turkey, ham, dressing, rolls, green bean casserole, squash casserole, pie, and cranberry sauce. We buy the real stuff; you know the kind that still looks like the can when you pour it out. The other stuff just does not seem right to us since we grew up with the jellied kind.
5. What are you overthinking right now?
Anyone who knows me knows I don’t think at all. I often shoot off my mouth, or fingers, without thinking. I do think too much about retail. We go in a store and I see failure points all over. While I see them, Suzanne and our daughters are zoning the shelves. That is straightening them, making sure that all products are pulled to the front, facing in the right direction, and put in the proper place on the shelf. It is an occupational hazard.
6. Your favorite slang word lately?
Not really a word, but a phrase, “It ain’t happenin'". That is from our favorite movie, Hotel Transylvania 2. When someone tells me something that I don’t intend to do, I say, “It ain’t happenin'".
Turkey and then I
Eat lots of
Until I
Lay there and am miserable
I am no poet.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am so grateful that our two daughters are in the room with us right now. They are truly amazing. Our oldest daughter has to work on Thanksgiving, but we will have our meal when she gets off of work.
Our two sons are both serving this fine country in the military. Our oldest boy is in the Silent Service (Submarine corps) of the World’s Most Powerful Navy.
Our youngest boy is a Marine. The Marines are a department of the U. S. Navy, the men’s department, that is. They will be watching America’s back so we can enjoy our holiday meal.
Some people will go stand in line to buy a bunch of stuff that they don’t need so people like our daughter have to work on Thanksgiving.
People, please stay out of the stores on Thanksgiving. If enough people stay home this year, next year the stores will not require all employees to work or lose their job.
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I liked your acrostic. National holidays are not national anymore. It's the same here in the UK, some shops will still open on Christmas day but not many but come boxing day for most it will be business as usual. Happy thanksgiving
ReplyDeleteIt is sad that big retail has taken over the holidays. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I know the UK does not celebrate Thanksgiving like we do, but have a Happy Thanksgiving anyway.
DeleteI am sorry your daughter has to work on Thanksgiving. I think it is terrible for more and more stores to be opening on Thanksgiving Day and I will not be shopping. Thank your two sons for their service to our country. You must be proud. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteWe plan not to buy anything, not even a stick of gum, on Thanksgiving, if at all possible.
DeleteVisiting from the Hodgepodge. Thank you for your sons' service to our country. My son is also serving. I am so grateful for our men and women in uniform. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Thank your son for his service as well. We owe a lot to our armed forces.
DeleteMy brother is/was a Marine. He was in for 10 years. I know he would have made it a career if an accident had not given him a medical discharge. He fell off the top of a helicopter. I am immensely proud of him. He flew President Reagan's helicopter. I know the plane is call Air Force One, but I can never remember what the helicopter service is called.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. The President's helicopter is called Marine One. Marine One is the only aircraft allowed in the restricted air space around the White House. It is very cool that your brother flew it. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
DeleteNice to learn more about you. I am glad you daughters are home. No shopping on Thankgiving, but clear me a path Friday:)
ReplyDeleteIt is good having them both here. Be careful out there on Black Friday. If it were not for our daughter having to work, we would not even leave the house on Black Friday.
DeleteI love the jellied kind of cranberry sauce too. We always have both. Enjoy having your girls home for the holiday. I've got one with me and one on the west coast, but that's sometimes how it goes with grown up 'kids'. We make the most of the times we are together. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteOur two sons have not been home for Thanksgiving in years. It would be nice to have everyone home for the day. Oh well, that is the way it goes. Have a great Thanksgiving.