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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Book Review How to Pray for a Financial Miracle

Book Review
James L Paris

It is amazing how God can bring insights to you just when you need them.  Skeptics would say it isn’t that God reveals these things to you when you need them, but that you are just more focused on finding things that are related to your situation because that is where your mind is.
The author, James L. Paris, introduces us to the great financial times he had, followed by his hardships.  He went from being a multi-millionaire to being almost homeless virtually overnight.

This is a hard situation to be in and is especially embarrassing when you make your living being a Christian financial counselor.   As a child in financial crisis, Mr. Paris saw the best of Christianity with people who sent help in the form of money orders signed “A Friend.”

He also saw the worst of Christianity, with pastors refusing to allow him to speak in their churches because Mr. Paris dared to mention bankruptcy and divorce in his radio broadcasts.

When you have plenty of money, you have plenty of friends.  When you have no money, oftentimes, all you have is a group of people who offer what they think are well-meaning words of wisdom, but are really words that hurt.

Mr. Paris shows us that there is a way out.  The way probably isn’t the way we are expecting.  Sometimes God sends us help in the most unlikely of ways.  We may expect one thing and get it in a completely different way.

Mr. Paris now operates ChristianMoney.com

FTC Required Notice:  I received this book free as a promotion through the Amazon Free program where authors may offer their books for free for a limited time. This in no way influenced this review or any other.

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