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Friday, December 16, 2016

Friendly Fill-Ins 16 December 2016

This is a fun meme co-hosted by McGuffy's Reader and 15 and Meowing. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!

The fill-in-the-blanks:

1. My favorite Christmas Song(s) is/are Joy to the World., but I could do without hearing Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer ever again.

Admit it.  Now that I threw Grandma getting run over by a reindeer out there, the song is running through your mind and just won’t stop.

2. My most meaningful Christmas ornament/decoration is the angel on top of the tree, because it represents Dorian.

On 15 July 1993 our little daughter Dorian Lee McClendon was born and died.  We celebrate each Christmas with her by having an angel on top of the tree in her honor.  It is sort of like having her still with us.

3. My favorite holiday treat is Cookies.

I love this time of year because of the tangerines and oranges.  But, got to love me some cookies.  I love the soft kind.  It really doesn’t matter though.  I like them all.   I also like the soft peppermints.

Due to diabetes, I am trying to avoid most sweets.

4. A holiday tradition in my house is First Christmas..

Our oldest daughter was born a week before Christmas which can be a bummer. Everybody kind of lumps her birthday in with Christmas.  We try to make this a little better by putting up the tree on her birthday and having a treat.  Sometimes this is when we exchange what gifts we have to give.

This year, there will be few, if any gifts.

Friends, I would like to make an extra special plea to you today.  Would you please promote our GoFundMecampaign on your blogs and other social media?

We can get the money together to pay for this surgery if enough people are made aware of it.  Please feel free to use whatever you need from our blogs to promote this.  See my post about this. Thank you to all who have given and thank you for all who have shared our story.

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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Do you have a frugal recipe?  Please e-mail it to me.

Help us reach 1,000 YouTube subscribers. Please watch some of our videos. If you like them, please subscribe. Also, please share our YouTube information with your friends.  We thank you so much for all your help. 


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  1. I love Christmas cookies, too. I would probably still pick turkey and dressing first. :) Love you, my Zing.

    1. Christmas cookies while the turkey cooks. Love you, too, my Zing!

  2. I'm right with you in #1! Your #2 is precious. I'll go read about Suzanne's surgery now. I'm sorry to hear this.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. We hope you have a great weekend and a Merry Christmas. It appears our best hope is to get as many people as we can to spread the word about the fund. Thanks to all of our readers who help promote this.

  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I love the angel on the tree there to represent your angel daughter. I will spread the word about Suzanne's eye surgery.

    1. Thank you so much for spreading the word. This is exactly what we need. Also, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a Merry Christmas.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I try to be good about sweets all year long... but Christmas is definitely a time for shortbread and gingerbread cookies!! And I love our tradition of having one of those delicious tangerines in the toe of the stocking too. That's a good Christmas morning breakfast: a fresh tangerine and cookies! :)

    1. Sounds like a good, sweet way to start the day. Thanks for commenting and have a Merry Christmas.

  6. So many people chose Grandma's reindeer song! For me, it is "Last Christmas". *augh*
    David, you need to avoid all sweets! I say that for your own good.
    I am sorry for your loss. I lost two babies...and more. I understand the pain.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. We are sorry for your loss as well. I do my best to avoid all sweets. Sometimes, it just happens. Have a great week and a Merry Christmas.


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