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Monday, December 12, 2016

Some Very Bad News

Anyone who follows this blog knows that I love my beautiful child-bride Suzanne with all my heart and soul.

Today, we got very bad news.  You see, Suzanne is our only driver.  I am legally blind due to diabetes.  She has seen me through surgeries, strokes, the loss of a father, and much more.

Suzanne saw the eye doctor today.  She was told she has cataracts in both eyes.  She is already blind in the one eye.  She could probably have the sight in the one eye restored with surgery.  The problem is, she has no insurance what-so-ever.  

We receive only $1,225 in social security disability, or will after we get our $4 cost of living increase in January.  We receive $97 in SNAP (food stamps) or will starting this month when they reduce them by $2 per month because we get the $4 raise in social security.

I am begging all who know us to please pray.   Second, if you can, please contribute to the GoFundMe account I set up for her.  

Quite frankly, for many this would not be as bad as it is right now for us.  Suzanne is a photographer and knits and crochets.  These things will be taken away from her if she does not get the surgery.   Please help, if you can.

Thank you.

David E. McClendon.

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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