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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Book Review Millionaire Training

The author had a promotion on Amazon where she gave away the Kindle version of this book. There was no requirement whatsoever for recipients of this book to give a review.

If you are looking for a book that will give you a step-by-step method for how to become a millionaire, this isn’t it. I am not sure that such a book exists. 

This book is more a Law of Attraction book.  The idea being that one changes their concept of money and that it will come to them.

One will find that this book has a few typos here and there but, overall, it is better than most of the Kindle books we have reviewed.

The author completely lost this reviewer when she stated, not once but twice, that “A shy person cannot learn.”  She stated this as if it is a known fact without giving anything to back up her opinion.

It seems that she feels very strongly about this, but we think she is way off base. She doesn’t even explain why she believes this. 

Can a person who is shy not read?  Can they not listen to lectures or have any sort of self-study?  Can a person who is shy not learn more by listening to people discuss issues? Very often a person can learn more by using their hands to experiment alone.

Can a shy person not watch YouTube videos, take a uDemy course or enroll in online courses through places like Coursera?

If you have studied the Law of Attraction, you will probably like this book.  However, if you are looking for something that will give you money making ideas, you will be disappointed.

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