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Saturday, June 24, 2017

Redneck MBA: Book Review: What If Common Sense Was Common Practice In Business?: Don’t Expect Fish to Climb Trees

FTC Required Notice:  We were given a copy of What If Common Sense Was Common Practice In Business?:  Don’t Expect Fish to Climb Trees written by Rex Conner by the publicist for the purpose of writing a review.

What If Common Sense Was Common Practice In Business?   is an informative read. One criticism of the book might be that it is, in a way, an advertisement for Mager Consortium.  This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though.  We are given enough actual content in the book to make up for it.

This is a fast read.  The book is only 120 pages long.  There are a lot of simple to follow charts in the book and several Dilbert comics that relate well to the subject matter.

The author, Rex Conner, gives his readers some very good ideas regarding common sense ways to recruit, hire, train, utilize, and promote employees.  This method takes the guess work out of human resources.  

We have known several companies where this common sense approach to running a business would have been helpful to the business and the employees, too.

We rate all books on a scale of zero to five stars with zero being terrible and five being wonderful and perfect.  We rate What If Common Sense Was Common Practice In Business? four stars because of the recurring promotion of the company that produced the method in the book. Although it is not a bad thing to promote your business, after awhile it gets annoying.

That annoyance aside, we think that What If Common Sense Was Common Practice In Business? is a very good read with a practical approach to business. This is the kind of book that someone might want to accidentally leave on the CEO’s desk when he isn’t looking.

Most executives will benefit from having read the book.  We think you will benefit from having read your copy. Click the “Buy” button now to get started with common sense in your company.

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