Certified Chef Reveals the Secrets of Her Vegan Kitchen
Nara Schuler shares how she reversed diabetes in new book
In 2010, Nara Schuler was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and learned that her blood glucose was more than double the normal level. With the fear of being on medication for the rest of her life and the willpower to heal herself, Schuler changed her diet and reversed the diagnosis.
“I want to be a prime example of the benefits of such change,” Schuler said. “People believe that they must give up on something good, but I want to show them that they will be gaining a lot by accepting diet changes in terms of food options and quality of life as their health improves.”
Determined to help others, Schuler shares her motivating story about overcoming diabetes by adapting a plant-based diet. Schuler also passes on simple recipes and tips regarding how to start and successfully implement a new diet.
“I hope to motivate other people to take the same path and improve their health, if not completely reverse their diseases,” Schuler said. “Lifestyle changes can heal you, you just have to believe in yourself.”
Schuler said she hopes “Secrets of My Vegan Kitchen” helps others improve their health through their food choices and inspires them to achieve similar health results.
By: Nara Schuler
“Secrets of My Vegan Kitchen”
ISBN: 978-1-53200-179-6 (sc); 978-1-53200-178-9 (e-book)
About the author
Nara Schuler is a retired high school teacher who was inspired to enroll in college upon learning about her diabetes diagnosis. She is a graduate of the Durham College Culinary Skills Program in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Schuler is also a graduate from Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate at T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University. For more information, please visit http://www.secretsofmyvegankitchen.com.
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