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Thursday, August 24, 2017

How to Manage Your Monkey: eBooks

Write ebooks: We have seen the claims about how one can make thousands of dollars by writing ebooks.  We have also read countless ebooks about how to produce one or two ebooks per day by paying writers in other places like the Philippines to write books for you. 

For most of these ebooks, the quality is very low.  But, for many, the price is low, too, so those making the purchase have not lost much. Amazon does have a refund policy that makes risking the 99¢ or so much more palatable.

If you have a great book idea, you can write it and try to find a publisher.  You then may have to suffer through rejection letter after rejection letter.  Or, you can self-publish at no cost.  

Zig Ziglar took the chance on his first book, See You at the Top, and it became a best seller.  Then, publishers were beating a path to his door. 

Amazon has programs in place that make it easy for you to publish books in the Kindle
format. Now, you can even offer print books that Amazon prints on demand so that you can offer a printed copy of your book.

There are no inventories to worry about.  If the book does not sell, you are not out any money.  You set the price.  Amazon does whatever printing is necessary, collects the money for you, and takes care of shipping as well.

With the books in the Kindle format, you can set the price.  Amazon collects the money and sends the book within seconds.  You can also give your books away five days each quarter.  You can make your Kindle book available to Amazon Unlimited and/or the Amazon Lending Library.  Customers get to read your books free.  The good part is you get paid for what they read.

If you have ever thought about publishing a book, the time to do so is now. Once you have published it, you could have a passive income from the sales.

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  1. That is a great way to get your name out there as an author.

    1. It works, it's free, and it makes a little money for the author. We sell one or so books a month this way.


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