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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Hurricane Harvey, The President and his wife, and Joel Osteen

The video below is our town flooded a last year.  The water is much higher now.  

First of all, if you want to see what our town looked like yesterday, here is the link to Wharton, Texas.  The water is higher now that it was in the picture.  However, we are still okay.  The grocery stores have water in them, but we are okay. 

Meanwhile, President Trump and his wife came to Texas for a visit.  What did the media focus on?  They worried about the first lady's shoes.  Come on, people here are banding together to help one another through one of the biggest natural disasters ever to hit the United States of America and the first lady's shoes make the top story?  How is that important?

What is important is that they came to see how they could help.  She probably has never seen this kind of devastation, few of us have. As we understand it, that kind of footwear is normal for her.  How was she to know?

At least the President and his wife are here.  Please, don't judge.

Meanwhile, we have a millionaire who has the largest church in the country with plenty of space to house survivors and he didn't open it as a shelter until after the media shamed him into it.  And, he is now asking for donations.  The church is rich, he is rich, why is the first thing on his mind donations?

Our family is safe.  It is like the hand of God was placed over our house and protected us from the storm.  Our lights have stayed on.  It is cool.  The mosquitoes are having a field day, but this is Texas.

There are many fly-by-night organizations seeking your donations.  Don't fall for that.  Around here, everyone is encouraged to donate to the American Red Cross.  They are handling all the donations.   They need the money to buy the RIGHT KIND OF COTS, the RIGHT KIND Of FOOD and WATER, etc.  Many will send things trying to help, but often what they send is not appropriate.  

We have boots on the ground here.  I am sure they need more.  I know we need more boats of any kind.  Call your local American Red Cross to find out what is needed.  They are coordinating the efforts.  I spoke with several churches here that are working disaster relief and each one said send donations to the American Red Cross.  

However, if you have a boat, it is needed.  We are among the few in the area who are safe.  Please keep Texas in your prayers.  Of course, if you have a helicopter, we could use that, too. 

People wonder why more of us don't evacuate when we get the warning.  First of all, where would we go?  If you displace whole cities, who can handle that many of us?  It is expensive to evacuate.  As we learned from Hurricane Katrina, shelters are not always safe.  And, many shelters don't allow pets.  Do you want to leave Fido behind?

Many gas stations along the evacuation routes run out of gas early.   There is often a traffic jam hundreds of miles long because the roads simply cannot handle that kind of traffic.  

We could use a federal initiative to widen all roads along the evacuation routes.  They could install those red Xs and green arrows to indicate which direction the traffic should flow so that we can change the direction of lanes quickly.  

We could put traffic signals at all four way stops so that traffic could flow more orderly.

We could have emergency stations set up at rest areas along the evacuation routes that will have emergency gas for motorists.

When a natural disaster is predicted, we could have the federal government automatically deposit an extra amount of money into the checking accounts of all social security recipients living in the proposed affected areas. 

We could have extra SNAP benefits deposited into all SNAP benefit accounts for people living in the area of possible damage so they could afford to stock up or could buy food when they evacuate.

We could provide emergency shelter funds available on the SNAP cards for all in the evacuation areas so that they could go to any motel in the country and pay for lodging.  

We could have designated shelters set up around the country that would have cots already in storage and MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) already stockpiled so that shelters would be ready.  

We could have all utility lines buried that can be buried so that crews would be able to restore services faster in an area.  We could provide emergency generators in each neighborhood that would kick in automatically if the main source of electricity is disrupted.  

We could do that, but will we?

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

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  1. I agree that the media shouldn't be worrying about someone's footwear.
    I am disappointed in Joel Osteen. I have read many of his books and thought highly of him until now.

    1. There seem to be two views of Osteen. One that is that he is a great guy and walks on water. The other is that he is a snake oil salesman. Some people around here now feel that he is not a great guy.


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