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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge 13 September 2017

1. Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate.

Most people I know wish I would just show them a picture rather than run on and on with my 1,000 words.  I tend to talk way too much.

2. Have you ever driven any part of the Pacific Coast Highway? If so what was your favorite stop? If not, is this sort of trip on your bucket list?

I have never been on the Pacific Coast.  I have no reason or desire to be there.  However, I have been on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  It is very beautiful.  Everyone should go there.  We are going into the best part of the year to be there.  The fall leaves are amazing...

3. How do the changing seasons affect you? As the seasons change do you find yourself looking more forward or backward? Which season-season transition bothers you most? Why do you suppose that is?

We don’t really have seasons here on the Texas Gulf Coast.  The leaves do not fall off the trees in fall.  They do fall in the spring when the new leaves come.  Last February, we had 100+ degree temperatures.  We had a three day winter this year.

4. It's your birthday and you get to pick the dinner menu. What are we having? Do you ever lie about your age?

Meat.  We don’t often have meat on our menu because it is so expensive.  A good ribeye steak with baked potato and a salad would be just about right.

Of course, a slow cooked roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy would be great, too.  Have a cheesecake on the side, notice I did not say slice, to round it out.

Nope, I never lie about my age. I am 17 and don't care who knows it. Really, I have no need to lie about my age. I am the double nickle (55). Lying about it won't change a thing. Our Heavenly Father has this whole thing figured out for me.

5. What's a life lesson you've learned recently?

Two go together, Murphy’s law- Anything that can go wrong,  will go wrong and the Boy Scout motto, “Be Prepared.”   Conventional wisdom tells us to always be ready to survive 72 hours without any support.  We learned recently that 72 hours is not enough.  We could not leave our neighborhood for over one week.  Always keep a week’s supply of food that does not have to be cooked to eat it and does not require refrigeration.   Remember the manual can opener.   Keep enough bottled water on hand, at all times, to last the week.  

Don’t put off buying toilet paper, trash bags, or batteries.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Our hearts and prayers go out to those who were/still are in the path of Irma and any potential storms out there.  Don’t be fooled by organizations that claim they will provide disaster relief unless you have checked them out.  The American Red Cross is still here.  

Take time to sit down with your family and develop an emergency plan.  Print out a list of emergency contacts complete with full names, phone numbers, email addresses, and actual addresses.  Verify these with everyone and make sure they have all your correct information.

Make a list of all medications everyone in your family takes, how much, when, and who the prescribing doctor is.  What pharmacy do you use?

Make a list of all insurance information and put it in a water tight container. Do you have flood insurance?  Review your insurance policies from time to time. Are you properly covered?

Our town is slowly crawling out of this.  The people who went through Irma will take time to get through their traumas as well.  Remember those in the Mexican earthquake, too.

Have a great week.

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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P. S. Annie!




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  1. I love to hear your thousand word+ stories, over and over again. I love you, my Zing. :)

    1. This is a good thing, too. I love to tell them over and over. They seem to change a little each time. Hammie says that is because I am "Messed Up". I love you, my Zing!

  2. Nice to learn more about you. Hope you get that steak and cheesecake soon.

    1. Thanks. I think Hammie ate my cheesecake. Have a great week.

  3. Being without power for several days teaches you a lot. And makes you grateful for things we take for granted much of the time, like hot water and light. I am glad you all are digging out. Hang in there!

    1. Being without does make us appreciate what we have more. It will take a little while for this town, we are getting closer to normal. Have a great week.


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