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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Product Review: Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Pest Control for Insects, Mice, Roaches, Bugs, Fleas, Mosquitoes by ShiMing

, the seller of the Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Pest Control for Insects, Mice, Roaches, Bugs, Fleas, Mosquitoes could not have picked a better time or place to test out their product than Gulf Coast Texas immediately after Hurricane Harvey.

Right now, every undesired critter you can imagine is displaced from its usual home.  All of these critters are making it into homes along the Gulf Coast.  And, we have never seen the mosquitos as bad as they are right now.  

ShiMing offered us a discount on this product so we could test it under the most extreme conditions that could be found on this planet.  

We have tried this out in several rooms and it has worked flawlessly in each one.  In the past, we have tried other ultrasonic critter repellents but they created problems for those of us with very sensitive hearing.  This one does not cause that problem.

This thing works great! It has substantially reduced the mosquito population in the room where we put it.  This is amazing considering how many were stirred up by the rains in our area.

We will be buying about a dozen more of these things.  Here on the coast they will make a great Christmas gift.  And, yes, we still have mosquitos around here in what some would call winter when our temperatures drop down to around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Fortunately, those frigid temperatures only last about three days here on the Texas Gulf Coast.

We purchased this product at a discount.   We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

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