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Friday, March 23, 2018

Friendly Fill Ins 23 March 2018

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowingand McGuffy's Reader. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!


Here are the fill-ins:

1. I am the middle child in my family.

When I was growing up, I actually thought I was growing up in Leave it to Beaverland.  Later, I found out that all was not well in Mayfield.

My mother had this policy of “Spank them all to make sure you get the right one”. This only worked to get me spankings I did not deserve.  If my older sister told on me, I was the only one to get a spanking. If I told on her, I would get a spanking for tattling. My younger brother was the baby.  He got very few spankings. He did not have to do anything at all. No chores, no expectations. If he got in trouble, I got a spanking because I should have been watching him.   

2. I have two too many  sibling(s).

No one has heard from my brother in years.  My sister and I don’t talk very much. I actually like it that way.  If I talk, my sister either doesn’t listen or makes fun of me. I would rather not talk to her.

3. I am looking forward to more birds and more wild flowers this Spring.

Texas can be very beautiful in the spring.  We have bluebonnets, Indian blankets, and Indian paintbrushes, to name a few.  

4. The first sign of Spring this year was not much.

This has been a very weird year so far.  We have some birds. We have some wildflowers.  It is still kinda cold for Texas.

The leaves don’t fall off the trees here in the fall, usually.  This time, some of them did. Time will tell what spring will be like here on the Texas Gulf Coast.


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  1. Texas is absolutely beautiful in the springtime. While winter is my favorite season in regards to temps, spring is like a fresh box of brush pens or crayons. :)
    I love you.

    1. I love you, too. I wonder what summer will hold this year.

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I am sorry your mother was not very fair. I am sure that made you treat all your kids equal at least. Martha is a cutie. Have a nice weekend.

    1. In her mind, it was the fairest way to be. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Sounds like you had a not so good childhood. I didn't have a happy one either, but it was because of my father.

    I love Texas. Hubby and I should move out of California. I hate it here.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. While I was growing up, I thought everything was normal. I thought I was in "Leave it to Beaver Land". Texas is okay; South Carolina was much better.


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