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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Friendly Felines 28 September 2018

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!

New Friday_Fill-In_Badge

Here are the fill-ins:

1. A  good book will entertain me.

We don’t really watch much in the way of television.  We don’t have an outside antenna and we don’t have a cable or satellite provider.  We do have Netflix and Amazon Prime. We will watch maybe one show per night.

However, I am most often reading a book. Usually this will entertain me.

2. The best time of the day is after dark.

I once had a college professor who taught an all day summer course.  The first day of class he told us, “Nothing good ever happened before 10 AM”. That was his way of saying that we did not have to show up before 10 AM for our 8 AM class.  

Suzanne and I are both night owls.  We are usually up when the sun is down.  It really works on us when we have to be up during the daylight.

I discovered that I work better as a night owl while in college at The University of South Carolina-Spartanburg.  I had an evening class. I would get up in the evening, eat, and go to class. Then, I would be up the rest of the night studying, watching television, and waiting for the newspaper to arrive.  I work better that way.

I am writing this at 7:21 AM. Suz and I have been up for quite some time already.

3. Waiting is not my strong suit.

I hate to wait for anything  If I go to the store and there is anyone in the checkout line, I am likely to leave the store without buying anything.  It takes too long from the time you order an instant download until the time you can start reading the ebook.

Next day delivery takes too long.

4. It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

I am sure many have answered this question that way.  It works for the new kitties. They like to play rough.  It is all fun and games until one of them starts to cry, usually the girl.  Then, we have to break them up, or the dog breaks them up. You can tell they are siblings.  Regular friends would not attack so much.

Have a blessed week, y’all.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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Please visit all of our blogs.
McClendon Villa McClendon Villa's Reviews From the Kitchen of McClendon Villa P S Annie P S Annie 2 Random Thoughts and Observations How to Manage Your Monkey How to Manage Your Monkey 2 Redneck MBA Reviews by David and Suzanne McClendon Villa at Blogger Book Reviews by Bird Book Reviews by Bird 2 Book Reviews by Bird 3


  1. Those little ones are little rough-housers, that's for sure! I'm not so sure regarding what you said about regular friends, though. I seem to remember a bat to the head of one certain little boy when I was a kid. haha
    I love you, my Zing!

    1. I recall you telling about taking a Louisville slugger to the noggin of a little boy. He wanted the bat. You wanted the bat. A struggle took place. You decided you did not want the bat as much as he did. I love you, my Zing!

  2. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! When I was in school, I was definitely a night owl. I'd come home from classes and then spend hours and hours at night studying and doing homework. Nowadays, though, I've completely flip-flopped and have become an early bird. I don't even remember how or why that happened. Have a wonderful day!

    1. When I was growing up, we were early birds. We would get up, make our beds, and get ready for school. Now, when we can avoid leaving the house at all, we do. Have a blessed day.

  3. YUM on the biscuits.

    I like the morning.

    LOVE my books. :)

  4. That was a good video, the biscuits look good. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Books are great ways to get away without going anywhere- cheaper too :) I hope you have a nice weekend.

  5. Our Female Human is a night owl too but the Male Human is an early bird. This works well for The Tribe of Five as we get more time with them!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Oliver & The Tribe of Five at Feline Opines.

  6. Good books are great entertainment, i agree whole-heartedly.

    Still laughing about next day delivery taking too long. Waiting isn't fun, but it's not that bad.

  7. I am very bad at playing the waiting game myself. My parents refused to have TV until a few years ago, and I grew up without it. We sure read a lot, and I rarely missed it.


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Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Have a blessed day!