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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Friendly Felines 30 November 2018

Meet Drac

Gwen Cooper donates 10% of her royalties on all book sales to organizations that serve abused, abandoned, and disabled animals.

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!

New Friday_Fill-In_Badge

The following is a guest post.  This post does not necessarily reflect the views of Suzanne and David E. McClendon, Sr. or Manian Debil Productions.

Here are the fill-ins:

1. I refuse to shop in Target.

When Target decided to allow people to use whatever restroom they felt like, I decided I did not need to shop in Target.  It is a given that when we get to our closest Target (about 30-45 miles away) that we are going to have to potty. I don’t want Suzanne to have to go into a restroom with some creep who wants to hide behind the policy.  I don’t want to go into a potty where someone is not what they think they are, either.

2. A store I wouldn’t mind being trapped in overnight is Barnes and Noble.

As long as the store has the cafe, I could hang out there forever.  We don’t shop at the very closest B&N because it is the local community college bookstore and there really isn’t much to shop for in there.  The closest actual store is farther away than the Target.

3. I’m dreaming of actually building McClendon Villa.

We would love to have a house that is functional, where we could set up a studio and not have to take it down when not shooting videos.  Where Suzanne could cook whatever she wanted in the kitchen without having to squint her eyes with the low light.

4. I wouldn’t touch tobacco  with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.

Actually, when we were working in the convenience stores, we touched it all the time.  Suzanne has COPD due to second-hand smoke from her father. Our neighbors have five children and all three of the adults in the house smoke like chimneys.  These kids are exposed to almost constant second-hand smoke.

There have been anecdotal studies that show a link between a parent’s second-hand smoke and diabetes.  

In the video about Homer, you will see Drac, our black male kitty.  He decided he wanted to stay in the studio for the recording of that video.  

Merry Christmas, y’all.

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McClendon Villa     McClendon Villa's Reviews 
From the Kitchen of McClendon Villa   McClendon Villa at Blogger
P. S. Annie  P S Annie at WordPress
P. S. Annie 2
Random Thoughts and Observations   Redneck MBA
How to Manage Your Monkey at Blogger   How To Manage Your Monkey at WordPress
Reviews By David and Suzanne
Book Reviews By Bird     Book Reviews By Bird 2
Book Reviews by Bird at WordPress


  1. I don't like that whole bathroom scenario that you mentioned. That's another good reason to not go anywhere, just stay at home!
    I love you, my Zing.

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. My state has that law about bathrooms and I voted to get rid of it. I fear for children in the bathroom and perverts using it as a way to get to them. I won't go near tobacco either. I am surprised I don't have breathing problems from second hand smoke I took in as a child. I hope you get to build
    your dream house soon. Have a nice weekend!

  3. Ugh! Second-hand smoke is a pet peeve of TW's. When they finally ruled that workers couldn't smoke in the office, a bunch of smokers used to gather in the office she shared and puff away. She'd have to leave. One of the smokers was the head of the department but she finally told HR to make them stop.

  4. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I could spend days and days stuck inside a bookstore and never get bored. I've always thought a dream job would be owning a bookstore, but, sadly, a lot of true bookstores are starting to get edged out by ebooks. And I am with you on that nasty tobacco. I know people who chew tobacco and those who smoke, and I am not impressed by either. It's gross, and grossly unhealthy.


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