I will try to get some fill ins filled in, I will not promise anything. I am not going to try answering comments.
Here are the fill-ins:
1. 1981 was a very good year.
Suzanne and I got together in 1981. We met in 1979, but that didn’t work out too well. See Master Control.
2. There is nothing quite like Suzanne.
Suzanne does a lot of things for me now. She gets my clothes, gets my food, and is there for me.
3. If I had a talk show, I would want to interview Steve Erwin.
I know he is dead, but the likelihood that I would have a talk show and the likelihood that he would return are basically the same.
4. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for a cookie.
Really, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for Suzanne. She is always there for me, but I couldn’t resist saying “a cookie”.
Have a blessed week, Y’all.
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Suzannne is an amazing woman. Have a blessed weekend.