This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!

*****I will try to get some fill ins filled in, I will not promise anything. I am not going to try answering comments.
Here are the fill-ins:
1. _______________ never fails to improve my bad mood.
Suzanne and Drac never fail to improve my bad mood. It is hard for me to know that I am in a bad mood. Suzanne usually knows when I am. She turns it around, usually. Drac climbs up in my lap all the time and it is hard to be mad with a black kitty cat sitting in your lap. The other two kitties don’t typically come up to me.
2. I feel out of place ______________________________.
I feel out of place basically anywhere now. But it used to be, I only felt out of place in high-brow situations. I didn’t want to be there and they probably didn’t want me there. I’ve got friends in low places...
3. I would like to find a treasure chest filled with _.
It would be nice to find a treasure chest filled with gold. I would give most of this to the church, but what I did keep, I would pay off absolutely every bill that we had, fix up this house, and buy the few things that we need.
4. If you ask me, ______________ keeps the doctor away.
Lack of money keeps the doctor away. Truthfully, doctors don’t practice medicine anymore anyway. It used to be that you’d go to the doctor and he would try to cure you. Now, you go to the doctor, and he just gives you a pill to maintain.
Have a blessed week, Y’all.