Now you have your budget figured out. As you are living on this budget, you should begin your research on the business you have chosen. Decide, is this the business you really want to be in? Can you really commit to this business? Many people see successful business people who have their business running well and who are not tied down to their business. If you ask most of them, they will tell you that it was not always this way. Starting a business involves many long hours of work. When you first start out you have to wear many hats. Unless you have a rich uncle who will give you the money, you will have to live on a shoestring and hope the cash you set aside will be enough. |
Okay, enough of the downers. As you research your business, you should begin to put together a comprehensive business plan. Start by going to your local library and seeing what books they have on business. Read all you can about starting a business. Take notes as you go along. Now is the time to learn all you can about the business you intend to go into.
There are several good business plan programs out there. The one I have used in the past is Business Plan Pro
. One of the best things about
Business Plan Pro
is that it comes bundled with several good business startup books. The
Hurdle: The Book on Business Planning
is built into the software. It is a little hard to find but, if you search through the resources, you will hopefully find it. If not, you can find it on line for free. Also included are The Art of the Start
and The Plan-as-You-Go Business Plan
. These are great books to help you get started. Another book to look at is How to Really Create a Successful Business Plan
Business Plan Pro
Hurdle: The Book on Business Planning
The opinions or advice listed in this blog or website should be used as a place to start only. It is not a substitute for the use of a professional.
Please be sure to consult your attorney and/or accountant with any specific questions.
There is no one right answer to any business question that will cover all circumstances.
Please Visit McClendon Enterprises
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