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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Combaterwing Mouse Pad

We were asked to review this wonderful mouse pad.  We were sent a review copy from the company so that we could review it at home, over time, and see how well it improved my game.

I, for one, play a lot of Polar Bowler and Polar Golf.  This means that I really don’t have much need for a mouse pad as sophisticated as this.  However, my adult children love to play all types of RPGs and this mouse pad will facilitate that quite well.

The mouse pad is extra large.  This means that it is a little cumbersome if you only have a tight work area.  However, if you are a serious gamer and have the space, this mouse pad is for you.

The biggest problem with most mousepads is you run out of pad before you blast the zombies to smithereens.  Not with this baby. Even if you lose track of where you are on the work area, chances are good you still have some landscape available for your mouse to cover.

We were sent this for the purpose of reviewing the mousepad.  This does not influence our opinion of the product. 
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  1. I think that it is a really cool mouse pad. I've never seen one so wide before.

    1. It does seem really cool. Would make a great place mat, too.

  2. Nice review. Sounds like a good mouse pad.

    1. Hi, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yes, it does appear to be a good choice for a mouse pad.


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