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Thursday, December 8, 2016

How to Manage Your Monkey Be on the Same Page

In order to get all your monkeys
under control, it is important that everyone in the family be on the same
page.  You can get some of your monkeys
to behave without having 100% buy in from everyone in the family.  However, in order to maximize your monkey
management, it is important that the family is working together as a team.

This is especially important in a
marriage.  If one spouse is trying to
manage money better and the other spouse is interested in spending money
lavishly, there is a definite conflict and it will be an uphill battle for the
frugal spouse, to say the least.

If both members of the couple
agree to work together to better manage the family monkeys, the couple can get
their lives in order, restore peace to the family, and set aside a sizeable
nest egg for the future.

Sit down with your spouse or
significant other and discuss where you are as a couple.  Do you want to grow closer and live a more
comfortable, smoother life?  If so,
working through this course together will help you get there.  If you cannot be on the same page, you may
still benefit somewhat from this course.
 Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

Watch this on YouTube

Please be advised that all the
information in this course is provided to educate, enlighten, and broaden your
views in life.  The information provided
is not a substitute for medical, legal, dietary, financial/accounting, or
religious professionals.  Always consult
a professional before you act on any of the information you find in this

Do you have a frugal recipe?  Please e-mail it to me.

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  1. I never thought of watching it with my hubby, he is the frugal one. I am frugal except when my cats are concerned and being that I have 13, it gets expensive.

  2. It really only works if both are working together. If you want to get very frugal, read the book Hard Core Poor.


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