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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Book Review: The Galena Nuclear Project Marvin L. Yoder

We were given a review copy of  The Galena Nuclear Project: Pursuing Low Cost Energy in Bush Alaska for the purpose of writing this review.

The Galena Nuclear Project is a very short read.  It is more like a report, actually.  However, it is very informative and truly an enjoyable read.

The book is well-written.  Marvin L. Yoder was the city manager of Galena and worked tirelessly to find a good, cheap source of electricity for this very small community on the Alaskan frontier.

Readers of The Galena Nuclear Project will learn why the U. S. infrastructure is falling behind its needs and how the U. S. federal government drags progress to a halt for no logical reason.

The 62 pages in this book take little time to read but, you will be glad you did.  You will learn a little about this town’s history and the history of the United States as well.

We give The Galena Nuclear Project all five stars and recommend you add this to your summer “To Be Read” pile.  You will be glad you did.

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  1. Replies
    1. It is a very entertaining book learning about Alaska and how people up there use less electricity per day than what it would take to power one small light bulb. Many use propane in their refrigerators.

  2. It was a very educational book. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week.


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