We received a pre-launch review copy of The Supply Chain Revolution: Innovative Sourcing and Logistics for a Fiercely Competitive World written by Suman Sarkar for the purpose of writing this review.
Walmart allegedly has the most sophisticated logistics system in the world, bar none. It has been studied by the U. S. military and other organizations because it is so sophisticated. And yet, they still can’t keep Lorna Doone or their own brand of water in stock consistently. Why is that?
Suman Sarkar has been in the field of fixing the supply chain and sourcing for many years. In The Supply Chain Revolution, he shares with his readers very interesting stories of how different companies approached fixing their supply chain and/or related sourcing and what worked and what did not.
Suman Sarkar has an interesting writing style that makes the reader yearn to learn more.
The Supply Chain Revolution is geared towards those in the C-suite, but can be a useful tool for anyone in management or leadership.
Even a mom and pop business could benefit from reading The Supply Chain Revolution.
We give it all five stars and make it a suggested reading for our Redneck MBA course. We think any business leader will do well by reading it and discussing it with others inside his organization.
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