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Monday, February 20, 2012

McClendon Studios Presents: The Contest

McClendon Studios Presents:

The Contest

When I think of Papa, what stands out in my mind is that he could set his mind to do something and he would accomplish his goals.

He loved to sell.  When he worked for National Cash Register (NCR), he was
 The Contest
always either the number one salesman or number two. 

Papa Bruce loved a contest.  He once told me that it did not matter if the prize was just a pint of pee-pee, he wanted to win it.

Several of the salesman decided that the only way they could ever win a contest against him was if he didn't know there was a contest.

They kept one contest a secret. On the very last day of the contest, the salesman who was in the lead taunted Papa. He told him there were only a few hours left and there was no way Papa could win.

As soon as Papa found out about it, he got on the phone and called around and got enough purchase orders called in to win that contest.  .

As I recall, the prize was a small portable color television.  The television sat on top of my parent’s chest of drawers in their bedroom for several years.

One of the people he called was the bowling man from another story.

He loved a challenge. In fact, challenges kept him going.  I think it was that adrenaline rush that he looked for.

I truly admire my father.  I look up to him and I have learned from him. He means all the world to me. And I love him.

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