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Friday, September 29, 2017

Friendly Fill Ins 29 September 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, children of all ages, welcome to the new greatest show on earth.

That is right, I am telling you about our friend, Cameron Sean Lasoya who has a shot at being the next American Idol.  He needs your help.  Watch his video, visit his YouTube Channel and Facebook page and help promote him. Thanks.

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowingand McGuffy's Reader. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!


Here are the fill-ins:

1. I am far too  self-centered and egotistical to be humble.

I have to work on this all the time.  There are times I could be the poster boy for high self-esteem.  I learned a long time ago not to take what others say to heart.  I learned to tune them out.  

Because of this, I had to start making an actual effort to really listen to what others have to say because everyone has a story they want to share with others.  Some will share it, others may be concerned about what others think and will not share.

2. To save money, we cut off all subscriptions to anything.

Anyone who has followed us over on the How To Manage Your Monkey blog this past year has found that that blog is about saving and making money, along with other things.  One thing we did several years back is stop all magazine subscriptions that we pay for.  We still get some we don’t pay for from time to time.  We don’t have any type of television service.  We have no cable or satellite television, no Netflix, no television service of any kind, other than things that are free.

We do have Amazon Prime.  This is a requirement for many of the companies that send us stuff to review.  There are many interesting old movies available free on Amazon Prime.  We have a Roku which has hundreds of free channels, too.  However, we don’t watch them.  We don’t have the time.  We are blogging, recording videos, reading books to review, working on household projects, etc.

3. Everyone matters.

I have seen too often people who think they are above others.  In our very small town, we have several homeless people.  They choose to live that way even though others have offered them a place to stay.  We have many people who walk around and pick up cans as part of their living.  One of these fellows used to come into one of the stores where we worked.

We learned that he is a retired preacher that everyone loved and admires.  Anyone of us would give him a meal but, he wouldn’t take it.  He wants to do things himself.

We have a very good friend who is a Vietnam veteran.  He is disabled due to several problems, including cancer.  He gets a small check.  He also supports himself by feeding cows, cleaning up around convenience stores, etc.  

The foreign owner of one of the stores used to treat him very bad.  One time the owner started yelling at our friend to “Move, Move, Move”.  I very calmly told the owner that if he did that one more time I was going to throw him in the river.  He never did it again, though he did still treat our friend badly from time to time.  Our friend likes to say, “I ain’t no hobo, I live in a brick house.”

4. This time of year makes me think about apples.

Back when we lived in civilization, we used to get an actual fall.  The leaves turn beautiful colors and the apples that came out of the mountains were wonderful.  We have apples here, but they are not the same. They tell me that you have to have a certain amountt of cold days before an apple is any good.  This is true.

We don’t really get a fall here.  The leaves don’t fall off the trees most years until the new growth in the spring pushes out the old.  Oh, we get cold weather. Sometimes it drops all the way down to 70.  When frigid weather like that happens, out come the parkas, gloves, snow boots,... and shorts.  That is right, some people around here never wear long pants.  We know one guy that the ONLY time you will see him in long britches is when he goes to a funeral.  We had a long winter this year.  It lasted three days.  It was over 100 in February this year.

Hot is a relative thing. We have a few friends from Bangladesh that put on sweaters and knit hats when it drops into the 80s around here.

Back in South Carolina, if the weather man said, “Snow”, all the milk, bread, eggs, and lunch meat would disappear out of the stores almost immediately.  We have never been snowbound for more than a few hours, yet, they still take the precautions.

Around here if they say snow, no one gets excited.  We had a major blizzard last year.  It snowed for almost 15 minutes.  It melted before it hit the ground.  

We are still working on getting a mailbox back up.  Right now ours is propped up with concrete blocks.  We have all the parts; we just need to dig the hole to set the pole.

If you would like for me to pray for you, please drop me an e-mail by clicking prayer.

Please Visit My Child Bride Suzanne's Blog

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Do you have a frugal recipe?  Please e-mail it to me.

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  1. Regarding your hot relatives, at least they're entertaining. :)
    I love you, my Zing.

    1. They are that. People are crazy, ceptn' chickens. And, they got feathers.

  2. Thank you for participating, great answers. I don't think you are egotistical. You can have high self-esteem without being egotistical. I love apple season which is right now.
    Good idea to cut off subscriptions to save money. And I love your answer for #3. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks, Ellen, it is indeed apple season and that kind of makes me homesick. We used to ride up into the lower parts of the mountains to get a bag or two of apples. We try to cut anything we can out of the budget. Have a blessed week.

  3. Great answers and, I agree, everyone matters. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week.

  4. Love all your answers, but especially everyone matters. As a nurse I've met lots of homeless/down on their luck people over the years and everyone has a story that if we all took the time to listen we'd realise that we're not that different to them.


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I appreciate your comments and will respond as soon as possible. I respond to all comments here on this blog.

Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Have a blessed day!